Volunteers are the backbone of our Recreational House Program. Our volunteers allow us to teach children soccer skills, teamwork, and sportsmanship in a fun, positive environment. Volunteers help keep our programs affordable, allowing us to offer programs for more players.
There are 2 coaches per team, so you don't have to do it alone! No experience is necessary. You'll receive training and resources to plan your practices and develop your players. Coaches get to choose their team's practice schedule.
Volunteer Coach Clinic led by Director of Soccer Andy McDermott
Volunteers Make a Difference
Our Recreational Coaches celebrated an amazing season with a coaches' game. THANK YOU to ALL our volunteer coaches! #weareceltic
Any parent can volunteer to be a coach or assistant coach for their child’s team. All coaches are required to pass a background check every 2 years.
Celtic will provide the resources.
Typically all teams will be assigned two (2) coaches, unless the team is a K & 1st grade team that will play on two (2) fields as those teams will be assigned three (3) coaches.
No. While every attempt is made to accommodate all volunteer requests, there are seasons where there are more volunteers than available coaching positions/needs. In such cases, the coaches are chosen at random from the available volunteers.
Notification to the coaches for the Spring season is typically done in mid-March; Fall season notification is typically done early August.