The Palatine Celtic Assignor performs all AR assignments for Celtic SC for IWSL, YSSL, and NISL. Travel ARs must obtain Grade 8 certification. For the House Recreational Program, we cover Center and AR's from U8 to U14 boys and girls. 

New Referees

Steps to become an employee Celtic referee

If you wish to work as an AR for Celtic SC Recreational League or Competitive Games, please send an email to Scott Rapoport at srapoport@palatinecelticsc.com and provide the following:

  • Email address, (one that you will check once in a while or your parents email address) This will be your login ID to the Arbiter system. Same email address can not be shared between referees.

  • Home address with zip code, Arbiter used this to make sure you are within range of the games.

  • Cell phone or contact number to reach on short notice for sudden game changes.

  • Up to what age level you have experience sidelining. If none, this is ok, you will still see the U10/U11 games.

  • Eligibility:  In order to certify as a First Time Grassroots Referee, you must meet the following age of 14 years or older.

  • Under 16 you will need a Work permit from your school.
  • Click HERE for the Procedure. 
  • Click HERE for the Letter of Intent. 

You will receive a welcome email from arbiter with directions to log in. You should then log in, and move around in the system to get used to the user interface. They have tutorials that you can click and watch as needed.

After you are in Arbiter, what will happen is, you will get a ranking. Each game is given a ranking range. When your rank fits within that game’s ranking range, you will be able to see it on a list of available games to “Self Assign”. The self assign lets you pick games that best fit your schedule. When the Celtic SC games are first posted, he will send out an email to all of you, and you will have about 3 days to pick first from the available assignments. There are 80+ other youth referees in Barrington, Palatine, Schaumburg, and Arlington Heights that after 3 days they will then also be able to see the remaining assignments. You in turn, will ALSO be able to see the open AR assignments in Barrington, Schaumburg and Arlington Heights if you choose to travel.

Arbiter automatically sends out assignment reminders 2 days before your assignments, and you can always log in, and see your schedule of all games assigned. If you need to “turn back” an assignment you need to email me at 
srapoport@palatinecelticsc.com, and I can put it back on to the self assign list for others to pick up. Of course, the sooner you are able to turn back a game, the better, so there is time for others to see and self assign. You will get emails periodically from him, when there are open games that need coverage.

For more information and resources, see the REFEREE RESOURCE page:


US Soccer Grassroots

NEW Referee Training Information

  1. Go to https://Learning.USsoccer.com/referee
  2. To create a profile, click on SIGN UP, complete form, and submit. 
  3. Under License Pathway click on Grassroots – First Time Referees, then click on Go to Course List on the right and follow the registration and payment. See below for Local Classes.
  4. Click on COURSE DETAILS to register.
  5. Once registered, click on “COURSES” at top, then ‘MY COURSES”, then “GO TO CLASSROOM” and click on the “ASSIGNMENTS” tab to complete online requirements 1 week before the class. 

Referee Registration Additional Resources ISRC has published some new YouTube videos describing the registration process. If you are still having trouble with registration, we hope they can guide you through the process.  Thank you for your patience as we all work through the registration process.

Individual video links are:
Step 1 - Profile   
Step 2 – Background Screening   
Step 3 – Recertifying Refs: Chicagoland & N. Illinois   
Step 3A – Recertifying Downstate Refs   

Referee FAQs

  • How do I get certified to become a soccer referee?

    Go to U.S. Soccer Learning Center (ussoccer.com) to register and find a certification course near you.

  • How old do you need to be to become a certified referee?

    You need to be at least 13 years old to get certified through USSF, although you need to be at least 14 years old to referee Celtic House matches per the Palatine Park District rules.  If you are under 16, you will also need a work permit, which can be obtained from the school you attend.

  • Now that I am certified, how do I find games to officiate?

    Once certified, you will need to find an assigner, who places referees on games, usually based on their experience level.  For Celtic games, reach out to Scott Rapoport, Celtic’s Referee Director, srapoport@palatineceltic.com.

  • How much do you get paid to referee?

    The pay is based on a number of factors, including the league you are working for, the age group of the players and the position you occupy on the field (Center Referee or Assistant Referee).  

    For Celtic House matches, the pay is as follows: 

    U7 (Center Only)- $20 per game

    U9 Center- $30, U9 AR- $20

    U11 Center $40, U11 AR- $30

    U14 Center- $50, U14 AR- $40.  

    For Travel games, the leagues (YSSL or IWSL) pay the center referee, and the home club pays the AR, with varying pay rates depending on the age group and field position (Center or AR).

  • Does the club take taxes out of the paychecks?

    No.  Referees are independent contractors (1099 status), so no taxes are taken out of the paychecks.  If you are unfamiliar with how that works, it is recommended that you contact a tax professional.

  • How do you get higher level games than what local clubs can offer?

    The best way to move up in the refereeing ranks is to work with a mentor, who can help you with your skills.  This, plus experience, will lead you to games in higher, more competitive leagues, as well as the ability to move up within the USSF ranks, including Regional Referee, National Referee, National Assistant Referee, PRO Referee, and PRO Assistant Referee.  There are also the high school (IHSA) and college referee routes which require certifications outside of USSF.

This year, the official app from The IFAB is even better! Your feedback has inspired us to roll out new features that make knowing the Laws of the Game much easier. Keep up to date with the latest edition; it is worth it!


Latest changes to to Laws of the game:



Explore the Laws of Football



The team's coaches/officials are responsible for their own safety and that of their players. They shall ensure that all persons associated with their team immediately leave the field and go to a place of safety inside a car or building when lightning is seen (visible from the field no matter how far away it appears) and/or when a lightning detection device indicates lightning is in the area. They shall then wait there until no lightning has been seen for thirty (30) minutes or the lightning detection device indicates danger from lightning has passed. Team's coaches/officials shall assure that all present adhere to this rule.

Carsten Gruettner

Referee Assignor

Scott Rapoport

Referee Assignor

For more information and resources, see the REFEREE RESOURCE page:

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