As a soccer player with Palatine Celtic Soccer Club, you have made a commitment to yourself, your teammates, your coaches, your parents, your club and to your community. You have a responsibility to represent Palatine Celtic Soccer Club in a positive light at all times. As a Celtic SC player, I promise to represent the Celtic’s Core Values of:
Sports does not indicate what kind of
parent you are…. But having an athlete
that is coachable, respectful, a great
teammate, mentally tough, resilent and
who tries their best IS a direct reflection of your parenting.
– Unknown
Parents are an important part of a player's soccer development and of a team's success. Parents are an integral part of the Palatine Celtic Soccer Club community. As such, parents' behavior on the sideline and support of their child is of the utmost importance. Towards that end, this contract outlines what is expected of parents in order to create a positive environment for all players. By allowing your player to accept a spot on a Palatine Celtic SC roster, you are accepting the parent/guardian code of conduct.As a Celtic SC parent, I promise to adhere to the following: